Sliding Mode Controller for Pressure Regulation in PEM Fuel Cell

Mohamed Ali, A. Abudhahir, A. ManivannaBoopathi


The regulation of reactants pressure and supply are prerequisite for the performance and prolong life of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC). The depleted supply of reactants may deteriorate the operation of PEMFC. Moreover, the large deviation of reactants pressure can cause severe damage to the stack. The main aim of this paper is to control the pressure of hydrogen at anode and oxygen at cathode side by maintaining hydrogen and oxygen flow rates at optimum levels during dynamic load conditions. Sliding Mode Controller (SMC) is employed to control the reactants pressure at set point under dynamic load change. The results reveal that SMC employed in PEMFC produce better response than the PI controller reported earlier.


PEMFC; Pressure regulation;Hydrogen Flow Rate;Oxygen Flow Rate;SMC;

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