Journal of Communications Technology, Electronics and Computer Science

Journal of Communications Technology, Electronics and Computer Science is an international journal that publishes original research papers in the fields of Electronics and Communication Engineering and technology and its related disciplines.

Areas included (but not limited to) are electronics and communications engineering, electric energy, automation, control and instrumentation, computer and information technology, and the electrical engineering.

The journal publishes research articles and reviews within the whole field of electronic and communication engineering, computer science new teaching methods, curriculum design, assessment, validation and the impact of new technologies and it will continue to provide information on the latest trends and developments in this ever-expanding subject.

JCTECS publishes original papers on experimental and theoretical aspects of electronics and communication engineering.  The journal also recognizes the importance of emerging technologies and encourages papers on new areas, such as electronics for WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks).

For more information, please see our ABOUT section.

The publication language of the journal is English language.

All the papers must be uploaded via our online system. Papers submitted by email are not accepted.

Journal of Communications Technology, Electronics and Computer Science screens the submitted articles for plagiarism.

The Journal of Communications Technology, Electronics and Computer Science publishes peer-reviewed scientific papers of significance in all areas of Communications Technology, Electronics and Computer Science research and experimental work. 

The submitted papers will be blind reviewed by at least two experts out of whom one expert will be an international expert. All positive reports from the reviewers are necessary in order to publish a paper.

Submissions should be done electronically to facilitate the review process.  Authors should submit their papers in MS Word provided by the Template format.

We are waiting for your paper.

All papers must be submitted according with the JCTECS Template available for authors here.

Before submitting a paper to our journal, please read our Author’s Guidelines here. 

Each issue has a limited number of papers, usually five papers.

Please read the complete available instructions about how to submit a paper here.

  Important Dates
  • Paper Submission: continuous submission
  • Author Notification: usually 4 weeks after submission
  • Publication: continuous publication

For further information, please contact the Editor at editor[at]

JCTECS journal is indexed in Crossref database, each article has an unique DOI number. The prefix of the journal is 10.22385.

Topics of interests are (but not limited to):

  • Communications
  • Electronics
  • Computer Science
  • Wireless Communications
  • Internet of Things
  • Routing Techniques
  • Software Development
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks)
  • Energy Harvesting

Published papers are indexed in:

  • Crossref DOI 10.22385
  • Index Copernicus
  • Google Scholar
  • Mendeley Database
  • Journal Index
  • ResearchBib
  • CiteSeerX
  • Openlibrary
  • WikiCFP
  • ORCID Database
  • Academic Resources
  • Electronic Journals Library
  • Journalseek
  • Internet Archive
  • CiteFactor
  • Computer Science Directory
  • Entireweb
  • Exactseek

Vol 2023

Table of Contents


Bessem Zitouna, Mohamed Tlig, Walid Labiadh, Sassia Hedia, Jaleleddine Ben Hadj Slama